September Invoices will be sent out next week.
I have stocked up on ballet, jazz and a few tap shoes. If your dancer needs shoes the studio has some for sale! We also have purple bins in the waiting room. Shoes in the purple bins are free for the taking. If you have shoes that you no longer need please consider donating them to the purple bins. Competition Dancers Only: More information on jackets, spinner fundraiser, and Titans will be sent out the first week of class. Invoices will include 1/8 of your competition fees. This fee may change each month to reflect fundraising. I know we have several sponsors that were not deducted from your total yet because I have not received their donations as of today. I have also used last years prices for Spotlight, they are having delays on their end and will not open registration until October. I do not anticipate their prices changing. We are registered for all other competitions.